Teaching Awards
The following is a summary of various teaching awards, including a brief description and the deadlines for each award. For more detailed information, please visit the websites listed below, or the CFL website.
University of Windsor Teaching Awards
Alumni Award for Distinguished Contributions to University Teaching
Generally, two awards valued at $1,500 each are made annually to honour and recognize distinguished teaching on campus and to provide incentive and encouragement for achieving excellence in this field. All full-time members of the teaching faculty at the University, with a minimum of five consecutive years of teaching at the University of Windsor, are eligible to be nominated for the award. A faculty member may win the award only once in 10 years. Past applicants may be considered but must be re-nominated. The Intent to Nominate form must be received by the Office of Alumni Affairs by January 31. Submissions should be completed by the end of February, judging complete by the end of April; awards are given at the Spring Convocation of the candidate's Faculty or School.
Organization of Part-Time University Students (OPUS) Faculty Award
This annual award was initiated in 1992 to recognize and applaud "the efforts of University of Windsor faculty members who unselfishly assist part-time students in their efforts to achieve academic excellence." The 2002 Teaching and Learning Initiative at the University not only highlighted the importance of faculty recognition, but also recognized OPUS as a leader in acknowledging faculty for their support of student needs, desires and aspirations. In keeping with this tradition, commencing 2003, a maximum of three faculty members may receive recognition for their teaching accomplishments. The range of recognized teaching accomplishment may include, but are not limited to, effectiveness in large-class teaching, effective implementation of teaching and learning innovations, or development of materials for flexible learning and delivery. Nominations will be accepted from all registered part-time undergraduate students. Nominations generally close in early January.
University of Windsor Students' Alliance Awards for Excellence in Teaching
The University of Windsor Students' Alliance (UWSA) is continually striving to promote and recognize professors who demonstrate outstanding dedication to the education of students. The UWSA Excellence in Teaching Award is distributed each year to one female and one male University of Windsor instructor of the year. These awards are regarded as a great honour as Windsor students themselves have selected the instructor. Students can usually nominate their professor between February 16th and March 18th. Nomination forms are available online or in the UWSA office on the second floor of the CAW Student Centre.
External Teaching Awards
The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) recognizes merit in teaching and academic librarianship through annual Awards. The deadline for receipt for 2005 OCUFA nominations is February 24, 2006. For further information, contact: OCUFA Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards Committee, 83 Yonge Street, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario M5C 1S8. Telephone enquiries: (416) 979-2117.
3M Teaching Fellowships Program
The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) and 3M Canada have joined to reward exceptional contributions to teaching and learning at Canadian universities. The community of 3M Teaching Fellows embodies the highest ideals of teaching excellence and scholarship with a commitment to enhance the educational experience of every learner. Up to ten Fellowships are awarded annually. Nominations for 3M Fellowships are submitted by teachers on their own behalf, or by their colleagues. Candidates need not be members of STLHE. The 2006 nomination deadline is March 3, 2006. Guidelines and nomination forms for the 2006 3M Teaching Fellowships are available online at www.stlhe.ca and at www.mcmaster.ca/3Mteachingfellowships. E-Mail enquires should be directed to Dr. Arshad Ahmad, Program Coordinator, 3M Fellowships at arshad@jmsb.concordia.ca. Telephone enquiries should be directed to: (514) 848-2424 ext. 2928 or 2793.