Listservs for Information Literacy

  • ILI-L (Information Literacy Instruction Listserv)
    ILI-L is hosted on the American Library Association server, sponsored by the Instruction Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries
  • FYE (First Year Experience) Discussion List
    The National Resource Center hosts this listserv designed to bring together a broad cross-section of faculty and academic administrators to discuss college transitions, their impact on student success, and interventions designed to maximize student success.
    Listserv for those interested in communicating with others who use TILT or a version of your TILT within their instructional programs. The list can be used to share questions and ideas about the creation of instructional materials, maintenance of online tutorials, and development of related collaborative projects.
  • Liste de discussion FORMADOC (Québec)
    Il y a quelques années, le Groupe de travail sur la formation documentaire de la CREPUQ (Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec) créait la liste de communication et de distribution FORMADOC dans le but de favoriser les échanges sur la formation documentaire à l'ordre d'enseignement supérieur (universités et collèges).
Collaborate, Centre for Flexible Learning