Institute for the Advancement of Teaching in Higher Education (IATHE)

Marilyn Powley, CFL

The University of Windsor has become an institutional member of the Institute for the Advancement of Teaching in Higher Education (IATHE), compliments of the Centre for Flexible Learning.  IATHE is a strategic alliance of educational development experts, award winning teachers, educational associations, and institutions and corporations who are actively engaged in the scholarship of teaching and learning through the design and the delivery of professional development resources, programs, and events to foster teaching in higher education. 

Institutional members have access to IATHE resources, such as, an unparalleled instructor web site with multimedia resources covering topics such as assessment, active learning, student motivation, time management, disruptive behaviour, and teaching with technology.  Resources are accessible through on-line interactive tutorials on teaching large classes, evaluating teaching, building a teaching dossier and more.  Faculty have access to archived video clips on best practices from teaching and learning experts, and an extensive resource library that includes web sites, articles, books and video clips.

Other resources include “Introduction to Teaching in Higher Education” (an innovative on-line course for new and seasoned faculty members, sessional lecturers and graduate students),, and archived video presentations from prominent educators. Institutional members receive discounts for Regional and thematic events, Summer retreats, and up to a 30% discount on books from the Open University Press. To open your own personal IATHE account, go to

© 2006, Marilyn Powley. All rights reserved.

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